CWS Files Comments on OSHA’s Healthcare ETS
On Friday, April 22, CWS filed comments on OSHA’s Interim Final Rule establishing a COVID-19 healthcare Emergency Temporary Standard, “Occupational Exposure to COVID-19 in Healthcare Settings.” Our comments raised several procedural concerns with the rulemaking. Specifically, we addressed 1) OSHA’s lack of transparency and notice in developing the Healthcare ETS and, now, a final standard;…
Read MoreOSHA Issues New Proposal on Improving Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses
On March 28, OSHA issued a new Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to improve tracking of workplace injuries and illnesses. The rule would require entities with 100 or more employees in specified industries to electronically submit information from their OSHA Forms 300, 301, and 300A on an annual basis to OSHA. The agency plans to post…
Read MoreCWS Submits Comments on Heat Injury and Illness Prevention ANPRM
On February 4, CWS submitted comments to OSHA on the agency’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Indoor and Outdoor Settings. CWS expressed its support for OSHA’s current approach to addressing heat-related illnesses, including the agency’s Water, Rest, Shade guidance, that is designed to be flexibly applied to meet…
Read MoreOSHA Officially Withdraws ETS
On January 25, 2022, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) officially withdrew its COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard following the Supreme Court issuing its stay of the rule. The ETS therefore will not go into effect.
Read MoreOSHA ETS Stayed by Supreme Court
On January 13, the Supreme Court stayed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard, halting implementation of the rule nationwide. The 6-3 decision temporarily stays the rule pending the outcome of a decision on the merits by the Sixth Circuit and any subsequent petition for review of that…
Read MoreCWS Requests Extension to Heat Illness Comment Period
On November 9, the Coalition for Workplace Safety requested an additional 60 days for the comment period on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s heat injury and illness prevention advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM). The coalition asked OSHA to double the current comment period, which is only 60 days, to a full 120 days.…
Read MoreCWS Requests Extension to OSHA ETS Comment Period
On November 8, the Coalition for Workplace Safety submitted a request to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration asking the agency to extend the comment period on its COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard for an additional 60 days. The current comment period, which only provided 30 days for the public to provide input,…
Read MoreOSHA Issues COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard
On November 5, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued its COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard. The ETS applies to private sector employers with 100 or more employees throughout their company. The ETS requires employers to: develop, implement, and enforce mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies or vaccination-or-testing policies; determine and keep a roster of…
Read MoreCWS Calls On Congress To Invalidate OSHA Volks Regulation Through CRA
The Coalition for Workplace Safety sent letters to key leaders of the House of Represenatives and the Senate seeking action on harmful OHSA regulation.
Read MoreCWS Responds To OSHA Injury Reporting Regulation
CWS ISSUES STATEMENT OPPOSING NEW OSHA INJURY REPORTING RULE Says Rule Will Not Advance Cause of Workplace Safety Washington, D.C. — Despite repeated requests and appeals to the U.S. Department of Labor, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration has issued a rule today that will profoundly – and negatively – impact the American business community. …
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