
Majority Leader cites CWS letter in OSHA Volks CRA remarks

March 22, 2017

“As the Coalition for Workplace Safety recently pointed out, this regulation does ‘nothing to improve worker health and safety,’ it ‘directly contradicts both clear statutory language and two U.S. Court of Appeals rulings,’ and it also represents ‘one of the most egregious end runs around Congress’ power to write the laws.’ The Majority Leader’s comments…

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CWS Letter To Senate Leadership Shows Broad Support For Volks Reg CRA Action

March 21, 2017

See the CWS letter here.

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CWS Calls On Congress To Invalidate OSHA Volks Regulation Through CRA

February 28, 2017

The Coalition for Workplace Safety sent letters to key leaders of the House of Represenatives and the Senate seeking action on harmful OHSA regulation.

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CWS Responds To OSHA Injury Reporting Regulation

May 11, 2016

CWS ISSUES STATEMENT OPPOSING NEW OSHA INJURY REPORTING RULE Says Rule Will Not Advance Cause of Workplace Safety Washington, D.C. — Despite repeated requests and appeals to the U.S. Department of Labor, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration has issued a rule today that will profoundly – and negatively – impact the American business community. …

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Video: U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Agency Guidance

February 28, 2016

Administration guidance continues to vex businesses because it cuts them out of the regulatory process, Marc Freedman, executive director of labor law policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, tells Bloomberg BNA. Video can be found here.

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